Saturday 3 December 2016

Singapore Mild Steel Plates

Mild steel is a type of steel alloy which contains a small amount of carbon. Due its low price, it is in huge demand and is used when large amounts of steel are needed.

Mild steel is less brittle as compared to other metals. It is malleable too making it the perfect choice for construction in car manufacturing, motorcycle frames, construction of pipelines and many other every day products like cookware.

The poor corrosion resistance property of mild steel can be curbed by applying a protective layer of paint or grease.

Giving different shape to mild steel is very easy, owing to its property of flexibility which is not possible in other hard metals.

When it comes to welding, low carbon content steel can be welded with ease.

The strength of such plates can be increased by adding more carbon or by applying the heat treatment of carburising. But one thing should be kept in mind that the harder the steel gets the more likely it is to crack when you weld it.

By the virtue of these properties, it is a suitable material to be used as construction steel in a variety of products in the consumer industry. There is a huge demand for Singapore mild steel plates. The construction companies make use of these plates which can be found of different shapes, size, thickness. Introduction of mild steel plates have eased the work of the builders of construction companies by meeting maximum requirement needed for any construction project.
Location: Singapore


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